Clemson Home and Garden Information Center
Making It Grow
South Carolina Native Plant Society
South Carolina Plant Atlas
The Lakelands Master Gardeners Inc. is a non-profit corporation that is affiliated with the Clemson University Extension Service. The Lakelands Master Gardener program serves all people regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability or national origin.
President: Jimmy McInville
Vice President: Donna & Wally Sears
Treasurer: Melody McInville
Secretary: Chris Moon
Past President: Barbara Wells
Linda Halsey (Education)
Jan Coffee (Public Relations)
Donna Feldmaier(Membership)
Annie Keith (Plant Sale/Fund Raising Co-Chair)
Julee Marshall (Plant Sale/Fund Raising Co-Chair)
Sherry Edwards (Projects)
Marla Starling (Website/Bylaws Co-Chair)
Email Blasts Janet Ledebuhr until 8/1/2017; then Ann Barklow until 2/28/2018
Facebook Co-Chair: Mary Jane Vivas
Newsletter: Sandy Orr
Office: Vince Plotczyk
Social Co-Chair: Candy White
Social Co-Chair: Volunteer Needed
Chuck Bender (Website/Bylaws Co-Chair)