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Welcome to the Lakelands Master Gardeners Website

The Lakelands Master Gardeners Inc. is a non-profit corporation that is affiliated with the Clemson University Extension Service. The Lakelands Master Gardener program serves all people regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability or national origin.


The 2017 LMG Plant Sale, held Friday April 21st and April 22nd, was our most successful ever. Thank you to Annie Keith and all the other volunteers for all the hard work and planning that helped make it a success. The two day sale brought in a record amount with attractive staging and bold pricing. We also identified three prospective new MG's for the August class, one returning member, and one possible transfer.

The plant sale is not only our only fund raiser it is always a big chance for the general public to ask a Master Gardener their burning plant questions. They brought in baggies with branches of plants to be identified and a mysterious pecan sprouting up in the middle of the flower bed. Thank You Mr. Squirrel. The Gentlemen trying to grow grass in a shaded yard....James had the HGIC print out for that one. Being a MG doesn't mean you know it all but that you know where to go to find the answers.

2017 Plant Sale Volunteers

2017 Plant Sale Volunteers

2017 Plant Sale Shoppers

Plant Sale Shoppers


If you dug a plant, supplied a box, worked a shift, dug some more plants, helped set up, helped clean up, or bought plants, THANK YOU! Some went above and beyond duty and you know who you are. You are the people who supplied pictures of plants, calligraphic plant identifiers with care instructions, and then wouldn't leave after your two hour shift. Remember to mark down your hours for Linda, because they were many. The drumroll please: It was a very successful event, better than last year and close to the previous record year. Actual financial information is available to members in the Treasurer reports given at member meetings. And of course, special acknowledgment to Sand Orr and John Wham for co-chairing this very successful fundraiser!


Jimmy McInville
Jimmy McInville

Melody McInville and Julee Marshall
Melody McInville and Julee Marshall

Barbara Wells
Barbara Wells

John Wham
John Wham

James Hodges, Clemson Ext. Agent
James Hodges, Clemson Ext. Agent


The LMG fundraiser for 2015 was our Annual Plant Sale at the Farmers Market Building by the Greenwood Convention Center, held on April 11th and 12th. Through the efforts of those members who contributed plants and/or helped to staff the tables, this plant sale was once again a success. Special thanks to Sandy Orr who "unofficially" oversaw this fundraiser.


The 2014 Annual Plant Sale was held April 11-12 at the Greenwood Farmers Market Building, with LMG members donating a minimum number of 10 plants/seedlings or contributing some type of gardening related item. The results were spectacular. All of the wonderful workers, planners and contributors raised a significant amount toward our annual budget, just slightly less than last year's results.

Thank you so much Sarah and Ginny for planning the event. We'd single out individuals who were there Thurs. night (set up), Friday all day or Saturday all AM, but there are too many to list.